

"Believe you can and you’re halfway there."

The mission of the Gulf Coast Veterans Advocacy Council, Inc. is to be a voice for all veterans concerning mental and physical health care, to advocate needed changes in the veteran health care system, and make recommendations to improve the quality of life for the veterans and their families. 

The Council is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization whose objective is to serve those who have served this country.

In collaboration with the Gulf Coast Veteran Health Care System, elected federal, state, and local government officials, family members, community service organizations, and the veterans themselves, we will facilitate programs to end homelessness among veterans; see that every veteran receives ​the mental and physical care they deserve; implement programs to help veterans reintergrate back into the community; develop programs for women veterans with services directed towards meeting their needs; establish an intervention program to prevent incarceration of veterans; help our currently returning veterans become part of the veteran health care system; develop programs for disabled veterans; and help all veterans obtain benefits, education and employment.

​The Council's physical geographic area covers the following counties in Florida: Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton, Holmes, Washington, and Bay.  In Alabama: Mobile, Baldwin, Washington, and Escambia, and in Mississippi: Washington, Jackson, Harrison, Hancock, Pearl River, Stone River, George, and Greene,  However, the Council feels that by making use of the internet, we will be able to touch the lives of veterans and their families wherever they may be.

Helping Veterans